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What The Heck Do I Write About: Simple Strategy to Find Writing Topics

Writer: Kyra SchaeferKyra Schaefer

Updated: Oct 17, 2024

I was on a quest to find topics. How do I find the topics to help me begin writing? Here are some areas you can check out whether you are writing your book or needing some blog inspiration.

Share from your experience

On a day to day basis, things come up. I believe it's called life. When you have a fun conversation with someone and hear them say something intriguing, it can lead to a great article or chapter in your book. I like to pull from my experiences, and as a reader, I love getting insight into the author's world. What little things help the author feel comforted or laugh uncontrollably. In the author's heartbreak, what helps them get through to the next day? I want to know because I can relate. As humans, we are very similar in fundamental ways. There are only 16 personality types and billions of people. We share characteristics, and there are enough people like you to write for, and who need your perspective to help them move forward in their life. A little hope goes a long way to help others.

General Themes and Bestselling Books

What is your focus for your business or interest? Do you work with leaders? Do you help people cope with loss? Are you dedicated to a cause or social justice platform? What matters to you the most? Take the main general theme, such as leadership and type "Leadership Bestsellers" into the Amazon search bar. Next, choose a book that appeals to you. Click the "Look Inside" feature and look at the table of contents. Check out the chapter headings and search for topics that you can easily speak to and write about. Let the chapter headings spark your creativity. The Amazon "Look Inside" idea comes from Miles Beckler, who is amazing! Check him out at

Searchable Writing Prompts

Being asked the right questions about our lives and experiences helps us to become inspired. You can do a Google search for writing prompts, icebreaker questions, and you can check out our blog post 25 Non-Fiction Writing Prompts.

Creative Writing Books

There are several books in the discount area of Barnes & Noble, which help with journaling, writing activities, and games. Another terrific book I highly recommend is The Writer's Idea Book by Jack Heffron, which helps with idea generation for fiction, non-fiction, poetry, & screenplays.

Writing Plan

Anyone can start writing, but can they continue writing? Having a writing plan will help you stay on track, and when you get bored of one topic, you can switch it up. Let's set up an easy to follow writing plan that will freshen up your content.

First, think of 4-5 Main Ideas for your writing. I will use the example of leadership, but you can use any idea you know well. You can use the techniques above to help you generate these ideas.

Example: Leadership

Leadership Principles

Management of People, Places or Things

Leadership and Conflict

Leading from Behind

Second, take one main idea and break it up into 5-6 smaller bite-sized pieces.

Secondary Idea: Leadership and Conflict

Non-Violent Communication

Trusting Your Team Members

Rightness vs. Kindness

Conflict as a Positive Change Agent

"You Think We Are Fighting, I Think We Are Finally Talking" Jerry Mcquire (I can use this quote in writing and help the reader connect through a popular movie)

Third, you now have a new idea to work on each day. Map out five days of writing and write no less than 500 words on each sub-topic.

You can choose to do an outline to help the flow of the content, or you can free write for a while to get the creativity flowing.

No matter the method you use, you were drawn here because you love authorship, sharing information, and making a difference with your writing. Get a little spark in the idea department, get clear on why you want to bring your insights to the world, and gain some structure; you will be writing your masterpiece in no time.

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