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Writer's pictureKyra Schaefer

Comprehensive Checklist for Book Marketing with TikTok Influencers

Book Marketing with TikTok Influencers

Book Marketing with TikTok Influencers

In the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape, influencers have emerged as powerful allies for authors seeking to amplify their reach and connect with new readers. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram have given rise to vibrant communities centered around books, often tagged with hashtags like #BookTok and #Bookstagram. These communities are vast and deeply engaged, making them ideal targets for authors aiming to promote their works.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essentials of Book Marketing with TikTok Influencers for authors. From understanding what makes an influencer valuable to your marketing efforts, to finding and approaching the right influencers for your genre, this guide covers it all. Whether you're looking to boost book sales, grow your social media following, or build lasting relationships within the book community, influencer marketing can be a game-changing strategy. Let's dive in and explore how you can harness the power of influencers to elevate your author brand and reach new heights in your writing career.

Understanding Influencers

  1. Define Influencer: Identify individuals with large, engaged followings on social media platforms.

  2. Audience Size: Consider influencers with both large and micro-audiences, depending on your needs.

  3. Relevant Hashtags: Look for influencers using hashtags like #bookstagram and #booktok.

Reasons to Work with Influencers

  1. Large Audiences: Reach thousands or millions of potential readers.

  2. Specific Audiences: Target followers with specific interests aligned with your book genre.

  3. Trust Factor: Leverage the trust followers have in influencers to promote your book.

  4. Potential Big Break: While not guaranteed, influencers can significantly boost your visibility.

  5. Sustainable Marketing: Build long-term relationships with influencers for repeated engagements.

  6. Social Media Growth: Increase your own social media following through influencer collaborations.

Finding Influencers

  1. Create a Tracking Spreadsheet: Include columns for followers, engagement, fit rating, and contact status.

  2. Research on Social Media: Use Instagram and TikTok to search relevant hashtags and find influencers.

  3. Check Influencer Engagement: Evaluate how followers interact with influencer posts.

  4. Ask Readers for Recommendations: Use your mailing list or trusted readers to find potential influencers.

  5. Use Paid Tools Cautiously: Initially, use free methods before investing in paid influencer tools.

  6. Ask Your Network: Seek suggestions from author friends and colleagues.

Approaching Influencers

Develop Your Pitch:

  • Keep it short and personalized.

  • Make a unique and concise offer.

  • Include a free book link or exclusive offer.

  • Mention any mutual promotion opportunities.

Send Your Pitch:

  • Use multiple communication methods (e.g., email and direct message).

Negotiate Terms:

  • Discuss compensation and mutual benefits.

  • Request data on previous promotions if necessary.

Continuing Relationships with Influencers

Follow Up:

  • Inform influencers about the results of their promotions.

  • Express appreciation for successful campaigns and discuss future collaborations.

  • If results were not as expected, discuss potential for re-promotion.

Additional Tips

  1. Be Prepared for Cost Variance: Understand that influencer fees can vary widely based on their popularity and engagement levels.

  2. Use Authentic Engagement: Ensure your interactions and pitches are genuine to maintain good relationships.

By following this checklist, you can effectively engage with TikTok influencers to promote your book and grow your audience.

Influencer Marketing Tracker Spreadsheet

Influencer Name



Engagement Rate

Audience Fit (1-10)

Hashtags Used

Contacted (Yes/No)

Response Received (Yes/No)


Example Influencer







Followed up on 07/15

Influencer 2







Planning to contact on 07/20

Influencer 3







Negotiating terms

Influencer 4







High engagement, potential fit

Influencer 5







Agreed to promote on 07/22

Explanation of Columns

  1. Influencer Name: The name or handle of the influencer.

  2. Platform: The social media platform they are active on (e.g., TikTok, Instagram).

  3. Followers: The number of followers the influencer has.

  4. Engagement Rate: The percentage of followers who engage with their posts.

  5. Audience Fit (1-10): A rating based on how well the influencer’s audience matches your target audience.

  6. Hashtags Used: Relevant hashtags the influencer uses.

  7. Contacted (Yes/No): Whether you have contacted the influencer.

  8. Response Received (Yes/No): Whether you have received a response from the influencer.

  9. Notes: Any additional notes or follow-up details.

This table can be created and maintained in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to track your progress with influencer marketing efforts effectively.

Pitch Templates for Approaching Influencers

Short Version (Written)


Subject: Exciting Collaboration Opportunity!

Hi [Influencer’s Name],

I’m [Your Name], an author of [Book Genre]. I’ve been following your content, and I’m impressed with your engagement and love for books. I’d love to collaborate with you to promote my latest book, [Book Title].

I believe your audience would enjoy it, and I can offer you an exclusive early copy. If you’re interested, let’s discuss this further!

Best, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]


Long Version (Written)


Subject: Collaboration Proposal for [Book Title]

Hi [Influencer’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I’m an author of [Book Genre]. I’ve been following your content for a while, and I genuinely admire the way you engage with your audience and share your love for books.

I’m reaching out to propose a collaboration for my latest book, [Book Title]. Given your focus on [specific genre/reading], I believe your audience would find it intriguing and enjoyable. Here’s a brief synopsis of the book:

[Brief synopsis of the book]

I would love to send you an early copy of the book and discuss potential ways we can work together. Some ideas I have include:

  • An exclusive review or feature on your platform

  • A giveaway for your followers

  • A live Q&A session about the book

In return, I’d be happy to promote your content to my own followers and include you in my newsletter. I’m open to any ideas you might have as well!

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]


Short Version (Spoken)


"Hi [Influencer’s Name], I’m [Your Name], an author of [Book Genre]. I love your content and think your audience would enjoy my latest book, [Book Title]. I’d like to send you an early copy and discuss a potential collaboration. Are you interested?"


Long Version (Spoken)


"Hi [Influencer’s Name], I’m [Your Name], an author specializing in [Book Genre]. I’ve been a fan of your content for a while and really appreciate how you engage with your audience. I’m reaching out because I think my latest book, [Book Title], would be a great fit for your followers.

The book is about [brief synopsis], and I believe it aligns well with the interests of your audience. I’d love to send you an early copy and discuss ways we could collaborate, such as an exclusive review, a giveaway, or even a live Q&A session.

I’m also happy to promote your platform to my followers. Do you think this is something you’d be interested in?"


These templates provide a clear and professional way to approach influencers, whether you prefer a short, concise pitch or a more detailed proposal.


In today's digital age, influencer marketing has become an indispensable strategy for authors looking to reach new readers and expand their audience. By leveraging the power of influencers, particularly those active on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, authors can tap into highly engaged and targeted communities that are passionate about books.

The key to successful influencer marketing lies in understanding the unique value that influencers bring, including their large and specific followings, the trust they have built with their audience, and the potential for significant boosts in book sales and social media growth. While the dream of a 'big break' is enticing, it's important to approach influencer marketing with a mindset focused on sustainable and long-term relationships.

Finding the right influencers involves thorough research, utilizing tools and networks, and assessing engagement levels to ensure a good fit. Crafting a compelling and personalized pitch is crucial in capturing the interest of busy influencers. Once a collaboration is established, ongoing communication and feedback can pave the way for future partnerships and continued success.

Influencer marketing may come with challenges and uncertainties, but with careful planning and a strategic approach, it can be a game changer for authors. By consistently working with influencers, authors can build a robust and sustainable marketing strategy that not only boosts book sales but also enhances their overall presence in the literary community.

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